August 15, 2014: 9:26am – 10:31pm
13 hours, 5 minutes
live performance + time-lapse + background video
photos by Gus Ford and Irina Patkanian

36.5 / San Francisco Bay was performed in the very public location of Aquatic Park, near the Dolphin Club and Ghirardelli Square. Sunde hired a producer for the first time. She also engaged several local organizations in partnerships, including Long Now Foundation, Sustainable Surf, Swim Clubs, and the San Francisco Department of the Environment.

For the first time, Sunde committed to complete silence while performing the work, added installation seating on the shore, and collaborated with a local saxophonist who played at high tide and low-tide. This was also the first performance where Sunde developed a “Human Clock” – a movement phase with local choreographer for the public to learn and help perform after each hour that passed.

A a two-person film team documented the day, 23 people stood in the water and over 2000 others encountered the work.

At the end of this iteration, Sunde felt strongly that this pilot year was only the beginning. Her plan – which has now been accomplished – was to go onwards and complete this project in many parts of the world with partners and collaborators – people who would stand with her. Though she did not know it would grow to the extent it did in this moment, her plan was for 36.5 to continue to expand through each iteration, acting as one small revolution with potential to change the landscape.

36.5 / San Francisco Bay

Aquatic Park, San Franciseo, CA, USA
Third Work in Series
by Sarah Cameron Sunde

with The Long Now Foundation, Aqua Surf Shop, National Parks Service, SF Dept of the Environment + Sustainable Surf

Winnie Wong (producer), Irina Patkanian & Gus Ford (film team), Sasha Petrenko (choreographer collaborator), John Ingle (saxophone)

Other key collaborators include: Jessica Donaghy, Douglas Dowers, Beth Peterson, Michael Stewart, Einar Sunde, + Edgar Westerhof, with many thanks to those who ventured into the water in one way or another: Chris White, Nina Haft, Stew Plock, Rich Hlava, Dave Duncan, Lee Heagerty, Debbie Raphael, Chris Snell, Rob Rakove, Jessica Litwak, Mark Jackson, Bill Wygant, Suzie Dods, Marina Psaros, Sharon Adam & Ariel Dovas, Tom & Debby Martin, Louise Warren, Andrew Warner, Danielle Engleman, Michael McElligott, Peter Wijsman, Will Travis, Joe LaClair, Elizabeth Wolf, Allen Leggett, Howard Leggett, Kay Wangelin, Michael Watts, Maria Hanke, Sue Garadis, Troy Kjos, Irene Siegel, Christopher Honeyman, Marti Johnson, Laura Arena, Aaron Louis, Rachel Parish, Magda Buczek, Henk Ovink, Henk de Jong, Gert Tetteroo.

SF Chronicle, KQED, SF Guardian.